Walgreens and CVS Will Soon Hand out Abortion Drugs

Biden thanked the pharmacies for making it easier for women to get abortion drugs.
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President Biden on Abortion: Time for Church Discipline?

  Before President Joe Biden delivered the 2024 State of the Union address, the question on the minds of most was, Will the president have the get-up-and-go to complete the speech without a disastrous stumble? His delivery made clear that he indeed had the energy, but...
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Alabama, Frozen Embryos, and the Law

A few states, like New York, still cling to the old common law “born alive” rule that you can’t be a victim of a crime or tort unless you’ve been born alive. But because of our inheritance laws, that unborn child can be a plaintiff for the wrongful death of her father – even...
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Senate Candidate’s Wife Recalls ‘Pressure’ to Have Abortion at 24

Amy advised people who are fighting for the unborn not to forget about the mothers of those children.
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Tennessee Bill Would Penalize Trafficking Girls for Abortion

Since abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent preborn baby, and almost completely illegal in Tennessee, it is only reasonable to treat it like the crime it is.
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The Tragedy of Kate Cox

  For her abortion at 20 weeks—five weeks longer than allowed under Texas law—Kate Cox left the state. Where she went I don’t know, nor have I really attempted to find out. Quite likely New Mexico, whose hospitals teem, as I have read, with Texas women desiring to refute the...
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Introduction Winter 2024

  As I write, the news that Kate Cox, who unsuccessfully sued for an exception to Texas’s strict abortion ban, will be a guest of the Bidens at the State of the Union Speech signals prolifers are in for a pounding between now and the November election. But of course we knew...
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Back to Go Forward

    C.S. Lewis, the Cambridge medievalist and philosopher, had a rule-of-thumb: Read two old books for every new one. By so doing, one can avoid “chronological snobbery,” by which he meant unreflectively assuming we know better than those who have gone before us. We are...
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“Right to abortion” efforts fail in New Hampshire

  New Hampshire legislators have killed two bills that would effectively remove any protections for preborn babies. The New Hampshire Senate voted 14-9 to defeat a bill to create a “right [for all citizens] to make their own reproductive decisions.” The Feb. 15 vote followed...
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Jesus’ Transfiguration—and Ours

    The gospel reading for the second Sunday in Lent, this year on February 25 in the “Common Lectionary” (used by Catholics and several other churches), comes from St. Mark’s account of the transfiguration of Jesus, who took Peter, James, and John up a “high mountain”...
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