HOT TOPIC: ‘One Child Nation’ a Heartrending Documentary on China’s Brutal Policy   “One Child Nation” is a riveting, heartrending documentary, which won the coveted U.S. Grand Jury Sundance prize, and, though it didn’t make the final list, was shortlisted...
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After Roe and Doe Are Gone

  When the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the American people will once again have the right to enact substantive legal protection for unborn children. In anticipation, many states have already adopted protective laws, although federal judges have blocked...
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“Nobody loves me, everybody hates me”

One way to understand adolescence is as a crisis of the value of life. I may take my mother’s love for granted, but it no longer seems to suffice. Father’s love seems remote and conditional on my (unreliable!) performance. My sense of self-worth is displaced by fickle fads among...
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HOT TOPIC: What Do Libertarians Believe About Abortion? (Newsmax)

Read Maria’s excellent piece here:   In human history, when a group of people is considered dangerous (the Jews in Nazi Germany) or private property (African slaves in the U.S. before the Civil War), they are de-humanized as a first step to rationalize their...
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Saved by a Flesh and Blood Baby

The article you are reading right now, like any article written by an actual person, is a soon-to-be-obsolete artifact of a passing age. If you use the internet, you have read many things generated by algorithms derived from a combination of pre-determined site objectives and...
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HOT TOPIC:’Cruelty-Free’ Should Also Apply to Humans (Newsmax; Maria Maffucci)   Cruelty-free means that these products do not involve testing on or harming animals. However, there is no such commitment when it comes to human beings. Many of the brands that...
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Merī Kurisumasu!

    President Donald Trump has made it a motif of his administration to acknowledge his and the First Lady’s Christian faith in public. One of the most striking ways they do this is by wishing the nation, not a happy holiday season or a safe month of interfaith...
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God With Us

No longer naked and unashamed, we hide from one another.
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Calling George Bailey

Every Christmastide we are obliged to see the 1946 classic It’s a Wonderful Life. Yet we often forget the ordeal the main character George Bailey had to endure before coming to that titled conclusion. For much of the film, life is harsh, mean, sinister, apparently random, and...
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Rescuing Mister Rogers

When Fred Rogers died in 2003, his life was honored and celebrated everywhere by people of all ages and backgrounds. An ordained minister, musician, puppeteer, writer, educator, producer, and above all, the celebrated host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood—which ran for an...
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