Tuesday: A Virulently Anti-Life Movie

  “Tuesday” is the title of a recent indie film (still in theaters) and the name of its main character. The unusual name recalls the day that can seem empty—lacking the energy of Monday and the celebratory release of Friday—while silently pregnant with all the stressors of...
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Death and AI and Resurrection

    A teenager was murdered in a mass shooting at his school in 2018. By 2020, his parents had founded a nonprofit which, among other things, produced a political commercial. The ad opens with an introduction by the parents. Then these words appear on the screen: “We...
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Chris Slattery RIP

  Not exactly the John Wayne of the pro-life movement, but something akin to it, Chris Slattery was always easy to spot. A big man sporting a cowboy hat and boots, he was a familiar presence at pro-life events and gatherings, an indisputable movement leader, though at times...
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A Letter from Home

  Despite being brought up by generous, loving people, I never felt at home in the suburban tract house where I misspent my youth. My dad was a slick-talking charmer who hadn’t energy for much beyond drinking, gambling, and chasing women, though he was, in his way, generous...
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Pro-life Is Not Anti-death

  Caring for the sick: It’s what Christians do and have done since the beginning. Jesus healed the sick. Insofar as they could, his followers did the same. And whenever they could not heal, they stayed with the sick and did not abandon them. Caring for the sick leads to...
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A Paradox of Death

    Death is our ancient enemy, and yet in many lives there comes a time when we should not resist death but accept it. This is a paradox, and it poses a basic question: how to accept death while continuing to affirm the sanctity of human life. An elderly woman was...
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Go to the Funeral

  “There was a funeral at school today.” I don’t suppose that’s something you often hear, but that was how my youngest son answered a recent “How was school?” query. Usually, since he’s sixteen, his response is mundane, often a little cynical. Why describe the school day...
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Go to the Funeral

  “There was a funeral at school today.” I don’t suppose that’s something you often hear, but that was how my youngest son answered a recent “How was school?” query. Usually, since he’s sixteen, his response is mundane, often a little cynical. Why describe the school day...
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Halloween Mania and the Death of Festive Culture

Well, that’s done for another year. You know what I mean: Halloween. Call me a sour puss whose kids are beyond the trick-or-treat phase, but Halloween seems to get more eerie every year, and not in fun or healthy ways. The ghosts and goblins come out earlier, with some stores now...
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HOT TOPIC: Brian Caulfield on “Memento Mori”

  As Eliot twisted Chaucer in “The Waste Land,” allow me to rewrite Tennyson in “Locksley Hall”: In November of the holy souls, an older man’s fancy dimly turns to thoughts of death. It may seem strange to write of death for a website devoted to the sanctity of life. But a...
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