A Confession for Life versus the Scandal of Division

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Christian denominations in the United States. This division of the Christian community is a scandal. Just days before Jesus was executed on a Roman cross, He prayed for His disciples: “I ask not only on behalf of these, but...
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  For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the LORD. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, “There is no God” (Psalm 10:3-4). Terrify No More, a book whose title is taken from...
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Lent: A Time for Humility and Honesty

    The sacred season of Lent, when we join in spirit with Jesus in his forty days of fasting in the desert, is upon us. We are called to contemplate the misery our sins, but more importantly, our hope in the One who died for all mankind. The reality of our sinfulness...
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    The penitential season of Lent is upon us, when every year we ask ourselves what we will give up. Because we almost always choose something that gives us pleasure, we may spend the next forty days looking forward to when we can take it back. This is not a very...
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The Path to Salvation

    The pro-life movement is ultimately about extending the protection of the law to unborn babies; those of all faiths, or none, contribute meaningfully to that humanitarian cause. But for Christians, our pro-life witness must be subsumed into Our Lord’s healing work...
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The Foolishness of the Cross

    In the first chapter of his first epistle to the Corinthians, Saint Paul writes: “The preaching of the cross is to them that [are] perish[ing], foolishness; but unto us which are [being] saved, it is the power of God.” Recently preaching on this passage, I first...
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Political Pretense

  Save, O LORD, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful have vanished from among the children of man. Everyone utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak (Ps 12:1-2).   Predictably, passage in the House of the Born-Alive Abortion...
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A Joyful Pilgrimage

  The Church recognizes the absolute necessity of repetition. The Christian Year repeats its seasons—Advent through Pentecost Season (or Ordinary Time)—year after year, so that the congregation and the individual can be renewed in the whole Gospel. Week after week, the...
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Broken Resolutions

January is my least favorite month, followed closely by February. In fact, the only reason I dislike them in that order is because in January there is still February to endure. I have never liked the cold of winter, the inconvenience of snow, and the long wait for the sprouting...
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Our Fellow Pilgrim

    The death of Pope Benedict XVI on December 31, 2022, brought an end to the earthly pilgrimage of this great servant of the servants of God. Joseph Ratzinger’s sacred journey to eternal life began at the baptismal font of his parish church in Marktl, Bavaria, on...
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