This Vacancy Will Keep: Leave Scalia’s Seat Empty

Pro-lifers across the country should make it a priority this week to contact their two U. S. Senators   The media machine of the Left is in high gear now, attacking conservative Senators because they don’t want to waste their time. For how many years did the media lament...
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Women’s Wombs: Not for Hire, Sale or Purchase!

  Maternal surrogacy has become a major item on the reproductive-rights agenda and a rapidly expanding segment of the innovative procreation market. Concocted by whatever means, a human embryo is implanted in a “rented womb” of an unrelated woman—usually a very po...
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What Does HHS Want from the Little Sisters?

The Daily Signal had the best headline last week: “Big Brother Bullies Little Sisters at the Supreme Court.” That was on March 23, the day the justices heard oral arguments in the Little Sisters of the Poor case (Zubik v. Burwell), the latest trip to the high court for those...
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Maryland Court of Appeals Upholds Hiding Names of Abortion Clinic Licensees

  All sorts of natural, legal, and Constitutional standards have been warped in order to accommodate the unrestricted right to abortion inherent in the Supreme Court’s 1973 rulings, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. It is a right that denies fathers an equal interest in the...
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Pro-Life Movement, Know Thyself

  The Left does not understand why we and our movement don’t implode, collapse, or otherwise dry up and blow away. Daniel K. Williams, in his stunning new book Defenders of the Unborn: The Pro-Life Movement before Roe v. Wade answers that question in 365 pages of carefully...
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The Genealogy of Licensing Parents: The Melissa Cook Case

You can’t fool Mother Nature. Melissa Cook thought she could. She had what she thought was a smart business arrangement: By renting out her body as a surrogate mother, the 47-year-old mother of four could earn good money. A contract that pays $27,000 (plus a $6,000 bonus if more...
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Marsha Blackburn: Steel Magnolia for Pro-Life

  One of the pro-life movement’s best friends is taking hostile fire right now. For saying nothing but what ultra-pro-abortion Henry Waxman was saying sixteen years ago! Marsha Blackburn, who represents the 7th Congressional District of Tennessee, chairs the Select...
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Will Whole Woman’s Health Protect Women’s Health?

If you are pro-life and you pray, you’ll want to pray very hard on March 2. That’s the day the Supreme Court had scheduled for oral arguments in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt—the biggest threat to Big Abortion in two decades. In light of the untimely and unexpected death of...
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Family Day in Italy Was a Resounding Success

Newspaper accounts indicate that despite threatening clouds on a cold Roman day, anywhere from 700,000 (the left-wing press) to close to two million (the organizers) people gathered in Rome Jan. 30 to support the traditional family, currently under attack via a bill in the...
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Do Black Lives Matter if They Are Taken by Abortion?

  Wisconsin is a wonderful state. Politically, it’s rated deeply purple, but common sense seems to be in the genes up there, and it eventually prevails in political matters. For instance: Milwaukee is the only city in the country to have elected three openly Socialist mayors* and...
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