Two Great Defenders of Life

Last week the Human Life Foundation (publisher of the Human Life Review) held its annual Great Defender of Life Dinner. As always, it was a scintillating event, with the bright lights of the national pro-life movement circulating around the room, talking with anyone and everyone....
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The Abortionist and the Catholic Hospital

The first story broke on October 13 on WXYZ Detroit. An OB-GYN, Dr. Michael Arthur Roth, is suspected of performing abortions in his and/or other peoples’ homes. Now under investigation by the Michigan Attorney General, he hadn’t been charged with any crime as of this writing....
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On the Trail of the Giant Pink Bus

Back in the early days of the March for Life, the National Park Service used to issue official estimates of crowd size for any demonstration. Crowd estimates were always contested because the size of a crowd was a measure of the urgency/validity/resonance of an issue. Eventually...
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Cecile Richards Before Congress: A Failure to Communicate

What we had here was a failure to communicate. Democrats in Congress seem willing to shut down the government to prevent any money being removed from Planned Parenthood in the upcoming Continuing Resolution. Yesterday, Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, testified...
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Our Issue and Their Future

It’s amazing, really, what Congress can do when it puts its mind to it. The question of the day is: What will Speaker of the House John Boehner put his mind to? So far, he’s keeping his cards close to his vest. In the past, the GOP has been accused by some of being only...
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A Tipping Point for Life

  Will the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video campaign depicting wholesale trafficking in fetal body parts be the tipping point for the Planned Parenthood brand in America? Merriam-Webster defines tipping point as “the critical point in a situation, process, or system...
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Cecile Richards: Whom Do You Serve?

  This is the week to contemplate heroes. On the morning of September 11, 2001, I drove into Washington from Springfield, Virginia, and nodded at the Pentagon as I approached the 14th Street Bridge. When I arrived at the office ten minutes later, the receptionist gaspe...
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My August Homework Report

The August homework assignment was to talk to a stranger about the Planned Parenthood videos. I initiated some conversations. Please tell me how you think I did in the comment section below. And please share your own homework stories. My first encounter was with the man sitting...
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ProtestPP: Street Theater at Its Best

  Last Saturday was a day to remember in pro-life history: It saw the best-organized local action on behalf of life ever. And the more local the life issue can be, the more likely pro-life is to prevail. When mainstream media pretends the pro-life movement doesn’t exist,...
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August Homework for Pro-Lifers

If you’re lucky, you live in or near a city where an anti-Planned Parenthood demonstration is going to take place this Saturday—August 22. Click here to find the one nearest you. Whether or not you go to a protest, there are things every single one of us can do right now to help...
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