Helen Alvaré (Catholic University of America Press, 2022, paperback, 248 pages, $24.95) Reviewed by Edward Mechmann ___________________________________________ Battles over religious liberty are in the news daily. These take place not just in courts and legislatures, but in the...
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The Silmarillion in Silicon Valley

In light of our culture’s cantankerous disagreements about the extent to which our biological and social nature is fixed and therefore inaccessible to radical change, it is worth noting how greatly our Founding Fathers’ defense of independence from Great Britain was grounded on a...
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The Dobbs Dissent: The Case for Abortion Falls Apart

The landmark Dobbs case has consigned Roe and Casey to their rightful place on the ash heap of history. The Court repudiated its previous judicial fiats, which had arrogated the power to decide abortion policy for the whole country, thus restoring the American people’s democratic...
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Samuel Alito’s Prophetic Vision

In a few days, we’ll know if Samuel Alito’s leaked draft in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization will survive as the majority opinion and become the “law of the land.” Whatever happens, Alito’s draft will stand as one of the greatest and most courageous declarations by a...
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Dobbs Decision Shows US Can Be Both Powerful and Humane

Friday’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is a win for the United States, democracy, the Constitution, women and, yes, the pro-life movement in all its wild diversity and unrelenting spirit—as well as for human rights movements overall. The Supreme Court’s...
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The Scent of a Soul

Creighton Abrams, easily the best U.S. commanding general in Vietnam during the war, had a simple principle for dealing with cranks and nasty critics: “Never wrestle with pigs; the pigs love it, and you get dirty.” It’s sound advice, if sometimes hard to follow, given the toxic...
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Swords to Plowshares

    As I write, America is reeling from yet another mass shooting. My social media has been overflowing with disturbing images—e.g., a dump truck emptying piles of waste labeled “thoughts and prayers”—along with loud calls for more gun control and equally loud calls to...
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The Answer to Roe is Nuremberg

  In the twentieth century, transgression outstripped the framework of crime. The maddest dreams of the maddest men of the past could never have conjured up the horrors of modern mass killing—Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, Buchenwald. It was in numb recognition of the inability of...
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Ross Douthat (Convergent Books, 2021, hardcover, 224 pages, $26; Kindle $14.95) Reviewed by Brian Caulfield _________________________________________________________________ Halfway through this book, I called a friend who has had Lyme disease for more than four years. “Do you,”...
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What We Owe the Dead

One of my life’s defining moments occurred before I could read the back of a cereal box. I was four years old, too young to tie my own shoes, when I stood on tiptoes and looked into my father’s casket. He was just thirty seven. His bipolar disorder had overcome his brilliant...
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