Closed Clinics and “Reduced Access” Save Lives

In recent years, abortion advocates have finally begun to admit that laws protecting the interests of unborn babies and their mothers may have closed some clinics*; however, they continue to assert that these laws have had minimal impact on abortion rates. At most, they say, this...
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“Sanctuary Cities” Provide Abortion-free Zones

  When it comes to creative ways to oppose abortion, Texans seem to lead the pack. Earlier this fall, America’s second-largest state captured the attention of the nation when the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the state’s SB 8 abortion statute— banning the procedure as early as...
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The Odd Couple: Freedom and Liberty

“My chief hope for the future is that the common people have not parted company with their moral code.” —George Orwell While serving as Allied Commander during World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower, later the 34th President of the United States, told his troops in North Africa, “You...
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  “It’s a bracing essay,” I told George McKenna after our longtime contributor surprised us with “The Odd Couple: Liberty and Freedom” just as we were pulling this issue together. “Given the road you travel, from Aristotle to Ahmari and French, 8600 words, though more than...
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China Closes Abortion Clinics Amid Continued Fallout of One-Child Policy

  With its infamous one-child policy, China discouraged births in the country for more than 30 years. Now, the Wall Street Journal reports, the country is facing a low (and declining) fertility rate and finding it difficult to suddenly encourage the births of more, not...
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APPENDIX D: March for Life 2022: Pro-Life Families Witness to Dignity of Unborn and Love for Vulnerable Mothers

Lauretta Brown is the Washington DC-based staff writer for the National Catholic Register, where this story was published on Jan. 22, 2022. Lauretta Brown: © 2022 EWTN News, Inc. Reprinted with permission from the National Catholic Register—] WASHINGTON—During...
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Appendix C: How a Liberal Foundation Bankrolled Abortion Pills in the Name of Population Control

[The following article was first published on Jan 4, 2022, in the Washington Free Beacon ( where Collin Anderson is a staff writer. It is reprinted here with the website’s permission.] Roughly a decade before his death in 1996, tech titan David Packard issued a...
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Appendix B: Letter on Illegal Fetal Tissue Research

[The following letter, cited in W.J. Kennedy’s article “The Sad State of ‘This Bloody Business’” (page 30), was sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and NIH Director Francis Collins on Sept. 22, 2021, and signed by Senators James Lankford...
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Appendix A: Why Have Children?

The point of having children is to increase the number of the saints. In the 1979 Prayer Book—which in this regard sets forth a more traditional exposition than its U.S. predecessors—children are one of the three intentions God has for marriage. “The union of husband and wife . ....
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  OCTOBER 7, 2021 HONORING MARGARET COLIN AND MARVIN OLASKY __________________________________________________ Marvin Olasky: Thank you, David. I will treasure being called a Great Defender of Life, even though the great is an exaggeration. Back in 1990 I profiled two great...
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