As Society Devalues Children, Families Build a Culture of Life

  In a society that does not value kids, believing they are an inconvenience or bad for the planet, what we need is a culture of life. Panelists on “The View” earlier this month agreed that parents should only have one kid (even though only 3% of Americans agree with them)....
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How Pro-lifers Can Prepare for 2024

  Pro-lifers may be depressed in the wake of the 2023 off-year legislative elections. The worst defeat was Ohio: Enacting a state constitutional amendment enshrining abortion-on-demand through birth profoundly changes the pro-life dynamics of the state, barring the...
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Sisters of Life celebrate legal victory

  When you live in a pro-abortion state like New York, the inveterate hostility of the government can sometimes feel like a force of nature. It is all too easy for people to become discouraged, as if resistance is futile. But the Sisters of Life have shown us once again that...
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Ohio Flag

As Ohio Goes, so Goes the Nation?

  The pro-life movement’s Nov. 7 loss of the Issue 1 vote in Ohio was not much of a surprise to those who had been following the polling, advertising, and media coverage carefully. In fact, the loss had been, practically speaking, realized months earlier in August when a...
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Study claiming uptick in abortions after Dobbs challenged by social scientist

    Abortions reportedly increased post-Dobbs, according to a study from the pro-abortion Society for Family Planning. However, a trained social scientist and business professor questioned the applicability of the study as it relates to the effectiveness of pro-life...
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Georgia’s ‘heartbeat’ abortion ban can stand for now, state Supreme Court rules

  The Supreme Court of Georgia upheld the state’s law that generally protects preborn babies from abortions once a heartbeat is detected, typically around six weeks into the pregnancy. The Oct. 24 ruling allows the law to remain in effect while court challenges continue. The...
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Democratic congressman launches uninformed attack on pregnancy help centers

      A New Jersey Democratic congressman wants to shut down pro-life pregnancy resource centers that provide free diapers, clothing, counseling, and other services. Using his authority as a congressman, U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer called for a shutdown of pregnancy...
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Britney Spears revealed she was pressured into having an abortion

      As we’ve shared here at Human Life Review before, it’s often the case that the “pro-choice” side isn’t really “pro-choice” at all. When abortion becomes the default “solution” to an unexpected pregnancy, rather than empowering women, this mindset, among other...
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The not-so-secret dangers of the abortion pill

    When abortion advocacy groups speak about medication abortion—a two-drug regimen comprised of mifepristone and misoprostol—they are quick to tout what they claim is its “stellar safety record,” going so far as to compare its use to over-the-counter medications used...
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Abortions Drop in Ohio and Indiana, But More Work Needs to Be Done

      The latest data from Ohio and Indiana shows promising signs for ending abortion, but there is still plenty of work to be done. The second quarter report from Indiana’s health department shows there were 1,937 abortions between April 1 and June 30, 2023. This...
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