March for Life 2022: Signs of our Times
Many have bemoaned that we have become a Twitter culture, where slogans have taken the place of argument. I am one of them. But, as they say, it is what it is. And, slogans can be revealing as well.
Let me suggest a simple experiment. If you want to explore the character of the pro-abortion and pro-life movements, take a look at the signs for each. The slogans are telling. And look not just at the slogans, but the tone of those slogans. Furthermore, notice not just the signs, but the eyes and the faces of those who hold them. See what the pictures of each say about the character of each movement. If you don’t like the two links I have chosen, a simple internet search will yield others.
This link is from the most recent March for Life in Washington DC:
This link is from a website several years ago, from different Women’s Marches around the world.