Notes on Pro-Choice Disinformation
Pro-choicers claim that “science does not know when life begins.” The conceptus, they say, is “a parasite or a tumor,” or “a potential life, part of the woman’s body.” This is not true. The term “fertilized egg” is shorthand for a single-celled human being that has a sex and complete genetic complement. Technically, the zygote or embryo could be described as a “he” or “she.” . . .
Some pro-choice instructors argue: “An acorn is not an oak tree, therefore a zygote is not a human being.” This is actually a fallacy of composition and not a real analogy at all. Stated properly, the analogy should read: “An acorn is not an oak tree but they both belong to the quercus species . . . a zygote or embryo is not an adult, but both belong to the human species.” (Quercus rubra is the name of the red oak species, for example.) Teaching the abbreviated “analogy” is academic malpractice. . . .
I know of three pro-abortion professors who deny you were ever inside your mother’s body; your life, they say, began at birth. Actually, a woman becomes a mother of an unborn individual the moment she conceives. Some pro-choicers say pregnancy doesn’t begin until the embryo implants in the wall of the womb, which is rubbish (if your mother only became pregnant at implantation, you would have been inside your mother when she was “not yet” your mother) . . .
When pro-choicers say abortion is a “reproductive right” they are disingenuously claiming that a pregnant woman has not yet reproduced; the idea being that abortion prevents a baby rather than kills one. Pro-choicers also say “abortion is health care,” framing pregnancy as a sickness. The “choice issue” does not decide whether a pregnant woman will have a baby; she has a baby. The question is whether she will be the mother of a live child or a dead child. . . .
When pro-abortion people insist that a pregnant woman has the “right to control her body,” they imply her body is out-of-control. This promotes misogyny—it is a rejection of how a woman’s body is made to work when sperm and egg unite. Just as anorexics and bulimics seek to control their bodies by going to war against them, pro-choicers go to war against the female face of the human condition. . . .
Homicide is not a medical act; abortion is not surgery, but mutilation. The abortion “doctor” is not a doctor, the abortion “nurse” is not a nurse, and the abortion “patient” is not a patient. And there is really no abortion “clinic,” because a clinic is where you go to get healing. Abortion tools are not medical instruments but homicidal weapons. Nazis had “racial hygiene;” we have “reproductive health care.” . . .
Historically, medicine adhered to a moral code: Do no harm. Today, the age-old Hippocratic Oath, with its specific proscriptions against euthanasia and abortion—“Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly, I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion”—has been dismissed. . . .
Authentic medicine demands informed consent, which women getting abortions are denied. True informed consent would debunk the misinformation I’ve identified here. And point out potential risks. A Food and Drug Administration warning on the bottle of the abortion drug mifepristone states that one in twenty-five women who use the drug will end up in the emergency room. A four percent chance of dire medical problems would normally be tolerated only with experimental drugs used in emergency situations—and with the informed consent of the patient.(FDA Abortion Pill Stance Endangers Patients, Undermines Doctors ) . . .
Public school students are subject to sex education from the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood tells kids that if they are HIV+, they have the right to have sex with someone without warning them first. The more STD’s spread among children, the more perceived need for sex ed, which also informs young girls how to get abortions without parental knowledge.
True, it might not be professional to discuss the moral or ethical aspects of abortion in the public education system, but it is wrong not to debunk the misinformation that students—and the public in general—are being served. Abortion advocates control most major institutions, including education, media, entertainment, and until recently, the federal government and its bureaucracies. The American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and American Psychological Association all endorsed Roe v. Wade (which legalized abortion through all nine months in all fifty states) and objected to Dobbs (which sent the abortion decision back to the states). . . .
Something important to think about: Abortion disinformation is more than an amalgam of bald-faced lies. It’s both a symptom and a cause of widespread cognitive breakdown. Pro-choicers suffer from catastrophic psychological, emotional and spiritual damage. The divorce from reality that they insist on is suggestive of cults.
A women that cant control her body and has sex outside of marriage or with multiple partners or some other sinful arrangement, she is not in control of her body. The man is guilty of control yet proves to be irresponsible.