NEWSworthy: Comedian Bill Maher: Abortion Is ‘Kind Of Murder,’ But ‘I’m Just OK With That’

  Comedian Bill Maher agrees with pro-lifers that abortion is murder, although he said he still supports it. “A lot of people think it’s murder. That’s why I don’t understand the 15-week thing, or Trump’s plan is, ‘Let’s leave it to the states.’...
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Not Your Grandmother’s Abortion

  False advertising is nothing new. From hyperactive snake oil salesmen pitching toxic “health” tonics from the back of horse-drawn wagons to modern day “melt away the fat” diet scams on the internet, for as long as there has been something to sell, there have been deceitful...
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Tinker Bell Rides Again

  There’s a new pro-abortion placard being waved at rallies. It reads: My Mind My Choice (italics theirs). Perhaps a defensive tactic against the pro-life “winning hearts and minds” strategy (proving increasingly overly optimistic considering the apparent shortage of hearts and...
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Who Cares about Britney Spears?

  Why should pro-life people care about singer/sex symbol Britney Spears? Sure, her memoir The Woman in Me sold 2.4 million copies last fall in its first week of release. Sure, Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and she placed first in a poll...
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The Huge Loophole in Genocide Law

  I’ve noticed that everyone who is against genocide has already been born. This paraphrase recalls Ronald Reagan’s well-known line, “I’ve noticed that everyone that is for abortion has already been born.” The sentiment is similar. Children in the womb don’t have a say in...
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A Modest Proposal for 2024

  Once upon a time, in a prosperous country, many women decided that nurturing the next generation should not necessarily be their primary vocation. They offered a variety of serious reasons. They wanted to be appreciated as individuals. They had gifts and skills that should...
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Requiem for Two Hypocrisies

  “Never again,” the world long repeated. The immolation of Jewry in the Shoah shall never again darken the name of humanity, we proclaimed . . . for decades. The word “genocide” was coined after the Holocaust to name the attempt to eradicate an entire group of human beings....
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Justice Is Blinded

  On August 29, my friend Will Goodman and four other defendants were convicted (and immediately jailed) in federal court in Washington, D.C., of violating the FACE Act. Their alleged offenses occurred on October 22, 2020, when the group disrupted a late-term-abortion mill...
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The Godzilla in the Room

  There was a major freak-out when shortly after the fall of Roe Senator Lindsay Graham proposed a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks. I myself thought it was poor timing and impolitic. The pro-life stance had been about states’ rights, and the sudden change in focus...
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“There’s Nothing Wrong with This Child!”

  A brilliant novel from 2021 that is mostly about life lived in “the portal,” that is, on social media, makes, mid-course, a dramatic turn and engages the world of the flesh. The sister of the unnamed female narrator conceives a child who is prenatally diagnosed with a...
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