Two Rave Reviews of Serrin Foster’s Message at One Spring Night 2017!
Joseph Longo and Grace Maffucci performed a Billie Holliday tribute in honor of Nat Hentoff, himself a great pro-life writer and speaker.
As monstrous as it is, the claim that one cannot respect the dignity of women without denying that of unborn children has lingered for long enough to have been taken up by many Americans as an obvious conclusion. Feminists for Life — and every pro-life group that combines an unyielding defense of unborn children with a commitment to serving the needs of their mothers — has worked to disprove that claim with their deeds, gradually mending the most unnatural rift in the entire body of American politics.
–Mene Ukueberuwa
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The report card is in: 100 years later, abortion remains an inadequate, violent response to inequality in the workplace and educational sphere. But the mission and message of pro-life feminists remains unchanged, too: women deserve better. Feminists for Life has achieved immense success in their commitment to actualizing this belief.
–Jeanne Marie Hathway