Abortion activist attempts to expose crisis pregnancy centers—and fails

Mayday, a pro-abortion nonprofit that pushes the abortion pill on women, sent an investigative reporter to “expose” crisis pregnancy centers of misleading pregnant women. Last month, they came forward with their findings in articles published in a number of outlets. Olivia...
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Helen Alvaré (Catholic University of America Press, 2022, paperback, 248 pages, $24.95) Reviewed by Edward Mechmann ___________________________________________ Battles over religious liberty are in the news daily. These take place not just in courts and legislatures, but in the...
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Our Fellow Pilgrim

    The death of Pope Benedict XVI on December 31, 2022, brought an end to the earthly pilgrimage of this great servant of the servants of God. Joseph Ratzinger’s sacred journey to eternal life began at the baptismal font of his parish church in Marktl, Bavaria, on...
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Giving Till It Hurts

    One day, a priest of my acquaintance heard the voice of a young woman through the screen of his confessional: “Father, tomorrow I will have an abortion. I know that it is wrong. Can you forgive me in advance?” The priest was stunned. “Dear child,” he said, “wh...
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The Silmarillion in Silicon Valley

In light of our culture’s cantankerous disagreements about the extent to which our biological and social nature is fixed and therefore inaccessible to radical change, it is worth noting how greatly our Founding Fathers’ defense of independence from Great Britain was grounded on a...
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Not Done with the Pro-Life Movement

    “I’m done with the pro-life movement.” I heard that trope all too often this past fall, as erstwhile prolifers washed their proverbial hands of responsibility for the failures and foolishness of so-called pro-life politicians in this year’s midterm elections. The...
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People oppose violence against crisis pregnancy centers, but most haven’t heard about it

  If you’re at all involved in the pro-life movement, you know that, lately, pregnancy resource centers have been under attack. From vandals, politicians, and even companies such as Yelp, these vital services for pregnant women have faced an onslaught of criticism and...
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Constitutional Miscarriage

    Having grown up in Michigan, I tend to follow Michigan politics. This year, the state’s midterm election ballot carried a proposal known as the Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative, which sought to enshrine a right to abortion in the state constitution. Here is...
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Love Favors Life

  What is the meaning of love? Ask ten people and you will receive at least ten definitions. Ask a Biblical theologian or a Greek scholar, and you will get a dissertation on different kinds of love found in ancient texts. A high-school student will give you an earful about...
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Georgia Supreme Court reinstates heartbeat abortion ban

This month’s midterm elections were not great for pro-lifers, but there is some good news coming out of Georgia. After a lower court blocked the state’s six-week abortion ban, it was temporarily reinstated on Wednesday by the Georgia Supreme Court, immediately halting all...
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