National news outlets are abuzz with articles about abortion in Arizona. In September 2022, state courts, working in the wake of the Dobbs decision earlier that year, lifted injunctions (put in place following the Roe decision in 1973) against laws criminalizing almost all...
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Tinker Bell Rides Again

  There’s a new pro-abortion placard being waved at rallies. It reads: My Mind My Choice (italics theirs). Perhaps a defensive tactic against the pro-life “winning hearts and minds” strategy (proving increasingly overly optimistic considering the apparent shortage of hearts and...
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The Defiant Children of Ahab

  Ahab was the seventh king of Israel. The Bible describes him as a wicked ruler. He was married to Jezebel who persuaded him to abandon Yahweh and establish the religion of Baal. So defiant was Ahab in his apostasy that he had inscribed on all the doors in the city of Samaria...
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 Family Business: The Key to Achieving Global Prosperity

    In 2015 the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. These include ending poverty, empowering women, providing universal education, sustaining the environment, and several more. The 17th goal concerns partnerships: how...
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The Fallacy of “Pro Choice” New York

  My stomach hurt as I desperately tried to think of something to say to the woman sitting in front of me: “You know you love your son so much . . . I bet he would love another sibling!” Annabelle* looked up at me, exasperated. I already knew her answer. “I just can’t...
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 “April Is the Cruellest Month”

    So, how’s your spring going? Chill, snow, nor’easter rain enough for Noah? Hope you don’t need to go to Baltimore, with the Key Bridge collapse adding to the usual disarray caused by high urban crime rates. Maybe you were among the 73 million AT&T customers whose...
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In Vitro Fertilization and the Law

  The Alabama Supreme Court’s recent decision on in vitro fertilization (IVF), LePage v. The Center for Reproductive Medicine (Feb. 16, 2024), has generated a tsunami of synthetic hysteria that has drowned the country in misinformation. Left-wing pundits and politicians,...
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Similar Indifferences

  The 2023 cinematic production The Zone of Interest won an Academy Award last month for Best International Feature Film. This powerful movie focuses on Schutzstaffel (SS) lieutenant colonel Rudolf Höss during his time as commandant of Auschwitz, the sprawling Nazi...
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Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

  The only thing I find even creepier than the women at abortion rights rallies whose faces are so distorted with rage they look like fugitives from a de Kooning painting are the ones who link arms and virtually dance the Irish jig because they’ve succeeded in enshrining...
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Patron for the Ages

  Somebody once told me that while it was good to be a ladies’ man, it was important to be a man’s man, too. That was a long time ago, and though I took his advice to heart, he had been vague about how to arrive at either state. In the intervening years, I’ve observed men...
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