Vanity and the Gospel of Life

Abortion is the sacrament of those suffering the futility of self-deceit—a condition that tinges much of the world. Mothers and fathers vainly pretend they are not parents to the unborn child. Clinicians pretend they are delivering health by dealing death. The community pretends...
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Sacred Space

  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in...
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You Don’t Say!

  Abortion serves men, because it allows them sex without responsibility, and always has. “You take care of it.” A Democratic administration is intent on enshrining it. Who says they don’t open doors for us anymore? Which is why the hands-off-my-body placards at...
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Notes on Abortion, Miscarriage, and Patriarchy

  The pro-choice rants of sanctimonious goddesses mock us with fantasies about an overarching conspiracy that does not exist. “The real agenda of those teaching abstinence-only education,” they scream, “is to stop free sex!” Who is responsible for this failed curriculu...
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Roe: The Arch-Problem of Modern Times

  . . . But say there hadn’t been a media leak from the vicinity of the U.S. Supreme Court, and say we didn’t know, or couldn’t intuit, how the Court means to rule this summer on Roe v. Wade’s constitutional sanctity, or lack of it. That would have meant . . . what, exactly,...
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Resurrection Hope

I have a friend who has condemned herself for over 30 years for her abortion. Jesus’ resurrection means two things for her. Let me reflect on two resurrection Scriptures. First, Jesus came to forgive her sins. St. Paul writes that Jesus was raised because we have been justified...
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Waiting for Dobbs

  I have been reading The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc, a play that French poet Charles Peguy wrote more than a century ago. For the French especially, Joan of Arc’s life and death are an inspiring patriotic touchstone to return to in times of national crisis or...
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Free Will, Faith, and . . . Abortion?

  We live in a world of contradictions when it comes to many things of great importance in life. Whether we realize it or not, faith in God is the most important aspect of our lives. Since God put us on planet Earth, and God will call us back to himself when our life here...
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Photo 118517385 / Newborn © Jacek Sopotnicki |

New Bills to Legalize Infanticide

Just when you think pro-abortion advocates can’t get any more barbaric and inhumane, they prove you wrong. Two appalling bills introduced in state legislatures are the latest example. They want to legalize infanticide. The bills are from California and Maryland, two of the most...
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Who Has the Loneliest Hearts in the Cosmos?

  Dennis Overbye’s 1991 book Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos is a story of solitary cosmologists staring through big telescopes into the night sky.1 In an essay praising Overbye’s work, physicist and popular science writer David Kaiser writes that cosmologists had lonely hearts...
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