The Blessings of Children

    “The Lord said to Cain: ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground’ (Gen 4:10). The voice of the blood shed by men continues to cry out, from generation to generation, in ever new and different ways. The Lord’s questio...
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American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists: An Interview with Dr. Christina Francis, CEO

  Dr. Christina Francis is CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), a professional medical organization of women’s health care professionals committed to practicing medicine according to pro-life principles, and board member of...
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The Truth about Human Life Is in the Heart

  “Fanatic.” “Hysterical.” “Overly sentimental.” Have you heard these or similar accusations lately? Opponents frequently paint prolifers as emotionally carried away, even disturbed: An often cynically employed tactic for side-stepping rational debate over the moral “merits”...
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Courage and Clarity: A Tribute to James Likoudis

    Throughout the history of the pro-life and pro-family movements, many remarkable individuals have played important roles. Among those who may receive less recognition today is James Likoudis, a gifted scholar and speaker whose long-time defense of human life, the...
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The Christ Child in Carols—and in Us

    The traditional Nine Lessons and Carols opens with the carol “Once in Royal David’s City.” The words were written by Cecil Frances Alexander in 1848; they first appeared in the U.S. in Cantica Sacra, Hymns for the Children of the Catholic Church, in 1865. In the lessons...
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Biden Administration Looks To Strip Money From Pro-life Pregnancy Centers

  President Joe Biden’s administration wants to make it harder for life-saving pregnancy resource centers to obtain taxpayer dollars. It is part of a broader attack by the Democratic Party on the nonprofit groups that help families choose life and provide them with the...
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Another Bad Faith Attack on Texas’ Pro-Life Law

    A version of the following  was originally posted December 12, 2023, from the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.   The latest challenge to the Texas pro-life law has gotten a lot of attention. It involves a...
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Maria McFadden Maffucci on the David Vaughan Radio Show Encounter: Worldview Matters

Recent pro-choice media distortions (or outright lies) got you down? We’ve got an antidote for that. Our own Maria McFadden Maffucci appeared on the David Vaughan radio program Encounter: Worldview Matters on December 7th, discussing recent state constitution amendment...
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           “For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human…. “We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins….” –The Nicene Creed (In 2025, the 1,700th...
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Stealth Eugenic Euthanasia of Disabled Infants

  In political science, there is a concept known as the “Overton Window.” Named after the professor who first suggested it, the idea is that the public discussion or advocacy of policies must take place within a range of opinions that are generally accepted by society as...
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