No Shoes, No Recognition for the Unborn?

    I recently had the opportunity to revisit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Although I had been there several times before, this time was different: I went with the scourge of abortion foremost in my mind, hoping to reflect intently on the...
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Republicans kill pro-life bills in South Carolina and Nebraska

  While pro-lifers are working hard to push anti-abortion legislation in the states, some of the very politicians who have pledged to support them are sabotaging their efforts. In South Carolina and Nebraska this week, pro-life bills failed in the state legislature due to...
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Archbishop Paglia: Channeling Mario Cuomo?

    Personally I would not practice assisted suicide, but I understand that legal mediation can constitute the greatest common good that is concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia No small number of Church officials...
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Children Are Not the Future (They Are the Present)

  “We need to take care of the children; after all, they are the future.” Lots of people say this—you may have said it yourself. It’s a common sentiment in the church, I’ve found. When talking about Sunday school or catechism (or whatever a particular church calls it),...
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The Poor and the Barren

  Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people. He gives the barren woman a home,...
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Wyoming Bans Abortion Pills

  Wyoming took an important step to reduce abortion last week: It just outlawed abortion pills, becoming the first state to explicitly do so. Thirteen other states outlaw abortion pills via blanket abortion bans, and 15 others limit abortion pill access. Wyoming’s decision...
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Happy Birthday, Judge Buckley! 

  In honor of Judge James L. Buckley’s centennial birthday, today, we are reprinting here his speech when he accepted our Great Defender of Life Award,  in 2012.    Thank you all. I am deeply touched by the honor you are conferring on me tonight, but I am truly...
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Unexpected: A new movie about hope

  The first thing I’ll say about the movie, Unexpected, is that it lives up to its title. Each time I thought “Oh right, this is how its going to go, ” I was brought up short by a, well, unexpected plot twist. I’m not going to spoil that for you here. The movie, directed by...
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    The penitential season of Lent is upon us, when every year we ask ourselves what we will give up. Because we almost always choose something that gives us pleasure, we may spend the next forty days looking forward to when we can take it back. This is not a very...
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Remembering Father Kaz

  “Happiness in Heaven” is the ultimate goal, drilled in to kids from an early age by rote repetition—if you attended parochial school in a certain era. Definitely a positive future endeavor! Since the overturn of Roe last June, I often think of recent inductees into this...
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