Who Will Advocate for the Unborn Child of a Brain-dead Mother?

Fact #1: a pregnant woman with a brain-death diagnosis can gestate a healthy live baby.  Of course, not every such pregnancy has such an outcome. Fact #2: Because of Fact #1, some foreign countries and some states in the USA have laws to give unborn babies in these unfortunate...
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The Price of a Pro-Life Contract, or, What’s Sauce for the Goose Is Sauce for the Gander

Two million dollars is the cost of respecting life. Call me rogue if you will, but from my perspective it’s worth every penny. Let me explain. Just before Christmas, a US District Court ordered a $1.9 million judgment against the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend for enforcing a...
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Beware of Pity: Katha Pollitt and the New Politics of Choice

Pro, Katha Pollitt, Picador, 2014 No one, we are told, is pro-abortion. No one thinks these are easy decisions. Abortion is something that will happen no matter what; it is up to us to tame it. In the words of Bill Clinton, abortion must be “safe, legal, and rare.” Safe and...
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William E. May: An Appreciation

On Saturday, William E. May will be buried. [http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?page=lifestory&pid=173463827] The Catholic universe is grieving his passing, but those in the pro-life movement who are not Catholic have reason to grieve as well. He...
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“A Conversation on Roe v. Wade”—Encounter Books Panel Discussion

On November 18th, Encounter Books hosted “A Conversation on Roe v. Wade,” a panel discussion focusing on Clarke Forsythe’s highly acclaimed book, Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade. Readers of the Human Life Review are likely to recall that Forsythe was honored...
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Book Blog: Eric Metaxas on Miracles

  Eric Metaxas, who, along with his wife Susanne, was honored as a Human Life Foundation Great Defender of Life (2013), has a new book out, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your life. Metaxas is the author of the NY Times best-selling...
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Abortion Provider Comes to Queens, NY

Planned Parenthood has a global and national presence; being well-funded, it seeks to provide its “services” at more and more locations. Not content with over 700 “health centers” throughout the United States, the organization recently broke ground for the construction of a $9...
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Selling Abortion Door to Door

If, as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, maybe the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign should be pleased by Planned Parenthood’s new fundraising campaign. A story on the Bloomberg News website explains how the tactics developed in the fight...
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Where Fathers Fit In

On May 18th my first book saw the light. It’s called Where Do I Fit In? A New Yorker in Never-never City (http://www.editorialconfluencias.com/que-pinto-yo-aqui/). I’m translating from Spanish. The book, published in the media and language of the country where I’ve lived for the...
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For Faith

When my mother died, I, who had been fairly stoic during the months of her final illness and hospice care, started wailing, shrieking really, uncontrollably. I couldn’t help it, even though as the big sister I felt guilty for calling attention to myself when my three siblings...
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