NEWSworthy: What’s Happening

and What It Means to You

Welcome to Human Life Review’s new online feature, NEWSworthy, where you will find weekly, timely coverage of news touching on a range of life issues, how they fit within the pro-life movement, and what they mean for you and your community. On such high-stakes topics as these, too often the news reporting around us appears to partake in one extreme or another, whether shrill or agenda-driven. For those looking for fair and human coverage on the issues affecting many lives today, we hope this space provides news worthy of your read.

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FDA Approval of Opill Reveals Our Birth Control Blind-Spot

    In an unsurprising move, the FDA announced Thursday that it has officially approved the Opill, a progestin-only birth control pill, for over-the-counter use (OTC) for all women of reproductive age. It will be the first hormonal birth control pill ever to be sold...
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Study: Most women don’t want abortion

    Pro-abortion advocates like to frame their position as “pro-choice,” as if women can easily decide whether or not they want to have an abortion. But for many women who go through with abortion, the decision wasn’t really their choice at all, according to a new...
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Progress, a Blue Wall, Swing States, and the Pillar of Civil Rights

    In the year since the Dobbs decision, the battle over protecting unborn children has become a state-by-state issue. Tremendous progress has been made. But it is going to be much more difficult to make further gains. To understand why, we have to look at the map and...
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Kansas is Sued Over Abortion Waiting Periods, Medication: Here’s what it All Means

  A new lawsuit filed by abortion activists in Kansas gives us a good look at the multi-layered complexity of abortion law after the Dobbs decision. After Dobbs and the elimination of any special federal constitutional right to an abortion, defending unborn life became a...
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Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down two abortion bans

  The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down two abortion bans last week by arguing that their language would allow the life of the mother to be at risk. Thanks to a 1910 abortion ban that went back into effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned, abortion is still mostly illegal...
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North Carolina and Nebraska Pass 12-week Abortion Bans

  Despite a recent setback that tanked an effort at a 6-week abortion ban in Nebraska, the state on Monday managed to pass a 12-week abortion ban amid a bill that limits sex-change surgery for those 18 and under. The abortion restriction goes into effect immediately. Before...
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Republicans kill pro-life bills in South Carolina and Nebraska

  While pro-lifers are working hard to push anti-abortion legislation in the states, some of the very politicians who have pledged to support them are sabotaging their efforts. In South Carolina and Nebraska this week, pro-life bills failed in the state legislature due to...
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Friday’s Supreme Court Abortion Pill Ruling (Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA)

  On Friday, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling in the abortion pill case (Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA). In the short term, the Court’s ruling means that the abortion pills continue to be available under the latest FDA rules — used up to 10 weeks...
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Florida passes heartbeat bill banning abortion after six weeks

  Florida became the latest state to enact a heartbeat abortion ban after Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 300, the Heartbeat Protection Act, into law on Thursday. The law includes exceptions for rape, incest, or human trafficking. State law already included exceptions for...
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