NEWSworthy: What’s Happening

and What It Means to You

Welcome to Human Life Review’s new online feature, NEWSworthy, where you will find weekly, timely coverage of news touching on a range of life issues, how they fit within the pro-life movement, and what they mean for you and your community. On such high-stakes topics as these, too often the news reporting around us appears to partake in one extreme or another, whether shrill or agenda-driven. For those looking for fair and human coverage on the issues affecting many lives today, we hope this space provides news worthy of your read.

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NEWSworthy: Lawmakers Repeal Arizona’s Strong Pro-life Protections

    Pro-abortion Arizona Republicans joined with Democrats to repeal the state’s strong pro-life protections. Several pro-abortion Republicans took up GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake’s demand to weaken the law, in place since 1864, that basically completely banned...
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NEWSworthy: France Constitutionally Enshrines Abortion

    On March 4 I received an Apple News alert on my phone. There was an image of the Eiffel Tower lit up and a headline noting, “France Becomes First Country in World to Enshrine Abortion in Constitution.” The historic landmark was lit up with the words, “My Body, My...
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One in three female voters wants a party to win her vote on abortion

    A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows there is an opportunity for pro-life candidates to win over female voters. “Women voters overall say they trust both the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden more on abortion policy in this country, but trust...
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True and False Abortion History: It’s not true that abortion was unregulated in America before 1821

    This article originally appeared in The New Oxford Review, April 11, 2024, and is reprinted with permission. __________________________________________________________________ Much wailing and gnashing of teeth followed the Arizona Supreme Court’s recent upholding...
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Supreme Court to Hear Idaho Abortion Case

  The U.S. Supreme Court is set this month to hear arguments involving a pro-life law in Idaho that makes it a crime for medical professionals to perform abortions. The decision will likely play a role in the upcoming presidential and congressional races in November. In...
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A Double NEWSworthy for your Friday! Kokx and Grondelski have two complementary pieces.

  Click to Read: An Abortion Puzzlement by John Grondelski (reprinted with permission from the New Oxford Review) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read Below: NEWSworthy: YouTube Spreads Abortion Pill...
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Victory Over Violence

  Long before anyone was recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month, activists and survivors had been fighting for justice. In fact, the first testimonies of sexual violence to be a part of a U.S. trial were from five black women who in 1866 survived the Memphis riots and...
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Abortion Pills and the Supreme Court

    A version of the following was originally posted March 27, 2024, on the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission.  _________________________________________________________________ The Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments...
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Prenatal Lives Count … At Least Sometimes

This article previously appeared in AMERICAN THINKER March 23, 2024, here ( ) and used with permission....
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