The American College of Abortion Advocacy

  Proponents of legal abortion often couch their position in the language of female empowerment, claiming that abortion is necessary to protect women’s freedom, equality, and opportunity. But while supporters often speak about abortion in terms of “women’s rights” and...
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An Enduring Legacy: Ronald Reagan’s Pro-Life Influence on America

Recently, a friend referred to Ronald Reagan’s years in office and, with the offhandedness of one who believes he is stating a generally accepted truth, said the president talked a great deal about abortion but “didn’t do anything about it.” It’s been more than three decades...
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Life after Dobbs

  After a life spent in daily journalism, I am coming to believe that you have to watch the little stuff in daily life in order to acquire some intellectual hold on the big stuff. Add up a lot of little stuff, after appropriate sorting, and you may arrive at a depiction, or...
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Will a conservatively configured Supreme Court finally put a brake on “top-down enactments like Roe” that attempt to “cram great moral determinations down people’s throats”? That fateful decision, writes senior editor William Murchison, by “shielding pro-choice advocates from the...
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The Economics of Abortion

  In the days following the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft of the Dobbs case, which threatens Roe v Wade, Amazon announced it would contribute up to $4000 to any employee who must travel to get an abortion.  Abortion as economics.  A court decision may not affect overmuch...
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Covid-19 Vaccines and Miscarriage Misinformation 

There’s an article gaining traction on certain corners of the internet claiming that a confidential Pfizer document revealed that 82 percent of vaccinated pregnant women suffered miscarriage due to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. These claims should draw alarm if they were true. But...
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New Study Shows Covid Vaccine Decreases Stillbirth by 15%

A new Nature review reports a 15% decrease in risk of stillbirth for women vaccinated against COVID-19. This paper is a systematic review and meta-analysis, meaning the authors pooled the data from 23 previously published studies to analyze any trends that appear with a larger...
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Abortion and Law before Roe v. Wade

  As I’ve shown in previous writing and am now researching further, abortion in colonial America was rare, and its illegality uncontroversial. Popular books carried a pro-life message. One, written by a person who called himself “Aristotle,” instructed midwives to refuse “to...
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APPENDIX A: The Illusion Of Porn “Literacy”

  [Samuel D. James serves as associate acquisitions editor at Crossway Books. The following column was published July 19, 2021, on the website of First Things (www.firstthings. com) and is reprinted here with the magazine’s permission.]...
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On the Storming of the Capitol: No to Political Violence. Yes to Civil Society

  The one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church strives to serve the Gospel of Life. Remember that the Gospel of Life is simply the Gospel, and that the Gospel is simply the Gospel of Life. (St. John Paul II and Rev. Richard John Neuhaus often reminded us of that.) Political...
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