“Scary Movie”: A Review of the Guttmacher Institute’s Report on the Impact of a Supreme Court Decision Overruling Roe v. Wade

  Too late for Halloween, but just in time to frighten voters, the Guttmacher Institute (formerly associated with Planned Parenthood Federation of America) has released a report strongly implying that if Roe v. Wade were overruled, abortion would immediately become illegal...
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Since Roe v. Wade, The Personal is Personal

“We are a cultural tectonic shift. We will outlast their political movement.” The 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade is next week. What’s the state of our Cause today? Note the word Cause. The defense of human life from the moment of conception until natural death is often referred...
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The Rest Is History: The Man Behind IVF in America

  If you can’t handle ambiguity, don’t read this column. At the same moment that millions of unwanted children are being carved up for their constituent organs and sold to the highest bidder because their mother does not want them, other women—and men—are going to...
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The Human Capital Project: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

  The Human Capital Project has changed the national conversation on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. The Human Capital Project is the name for a series of undercover videos—made by David Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress—that show high-ranking Planned Parenthood...
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Abortion Is Not About Theology

  Linda Greenhouse’s Thanksgiving Day op-ed in the New York Times, “Sex After 50 at the Supreme Court”  is a telling piece: telling about the thinking as well as the politics that inform it. Greenhouse’s essential argument is this: Fifty years after the Supreme Court...
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Planned Parenthood Vote Flushes Out Pro-Life Pretenders

“Everybody knows [it] is a gesture in futility,” said Harry Reid, the former Senate Leader. It’s “a victory worth fighting for,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List. They were both talking about the bill to repeal Obamacare that was passed by the U.S. Senate...
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National Adoption Awareness

  Did you know that November was National Adoption Awareness Month? What did you miss? Unfortunately, not much. That is a shame, because infant adoption deserves the focused attention of those of us who care about the best interests of children—and few are as passionate...
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The Uterus: Now Another Hostage to Fortune

  Last week the Cleveland Clinic announced that a medical team there will soon be the first in the United States to transplant a uterus (fallopian tubes and ovaries not included). Eight women have already begun the screening process. One travelled more than 1,000 miles to...
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Holding the Country Hostage? Or Appropriating for Life?

  “Pro-lifers are holding the country hostage because of their feud with Planned Parenthood.” This is a meme we have heard before and may hear again. What does it really mean? It could refer to two separate processes; two separate dramas. Right now in Washington, the...
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Caveat Emptor: How to Avoid the Dr. Roths of the World

  The news trail has grown cold on Dr. Michael A. Roth, the Detroit area OB-GYN who was found two weeks ago to be carrying pain-killing drugs and “products of conception” in his car—“14 containers of human tissue, possibly fetuses,” according to an Oct. 16 WXYZ report. Dr....
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