Human Life Review Blog

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Whatever Works: Cultural Codes, Religious Beliefs, and Structural Biases

 “…our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn’t cling to and can indeed jettison . . . rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity.” Thus spake Frank Bruni in an April 3 op-ed...
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A Job Well Done

The big brouhaha about Sex Trafficking and the Hyde Amendment is finally over in the U.S. Senate. Yesterday the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act unanimously passed—with the Hyde Amendment language firmly intact. The leaders of the pro-life side deserve credit all around:...
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The Human Life Review

Understanding Coalitions

From time to time I detect an undertone of dissatisfaction from prolifers who don’t like to hear our issue identified as “conservative” or “Republican.” And I wonder: Why should prolifers think it undesirable that our movement is strong enough to be a coalition partner with one...
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“There are no fetal rights!”

It is well known in the pro-life movement that the pro-choice/anti-life lobby at the United Nations has been advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights for many years. The organizations that promote this agenda behave like termites, working to erode and demolish...
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Welcome to 2016

CBS News came out with a new poll last weekend, this one about who Americans would consider voting for as President. Compared to February, Jeb and Rand and Ted and Marco and Scott are up, and so on. Hillary is unchanged and Martin O’Malley is up. But that sort of data will change...
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Life, Sex, and Religion: It All Matters in Washington, D.C.

 The battle over abortion is merging into the battle for religious freedom on another front: In the nation’s capital, religious freedom is being attacked in the name of “reproductive health decisions.” The City Council has enacted a Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act,...
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Playing the Racist Card Against the Hyde Amendment

It is a measure of the effectiveness of the pro-life movement that life issues increasingly are co-mingled with other ones. Right now, in the U.S. Senate, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (S. 178) is being held up for a second week because pro-aborts want to use it to...
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Pro-Aborts Don’t Understand that Elections Have Consequences

There’s a big brouhaha right now in the U. S. Senate over the human trafficking bill. The spin is: “a warm fuzzy inter-party cooperation is being fractured because those evil pro-lifers are holding hostage a wonderful bill to help the victims of human trafficking.” That is...
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Trans-Species Organ Farming: The Good, the Bad, and the Creepy

There is a shortage of organs available for transplantation.Estimates are that 123,000 people in the U.S. are in need of a transplant, and about 21 people die each day waiting for one. The art and science of transplantation is so advanced as to be routine. Science sees the...
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How Not to Fight the Campaign for Legal Murder

The speed on the Slippery Slope is accelerating. And our side is fighting it with our hands tied behind our backs. Earlier this month, Canada’s Supreme Court opened the door to doctor-prescribed death throughout the country by ordering Parliament to write a bill legalizing ...
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Rest in Peace, Dr. John C. Willke, M.D.

Dr. John C. Willke, M.D., reposed quietly in the Lord on Friday, February 20. He was born in 1926, served in World War II, and then went to medical school.  Jack Willke was an obstetrician happily delivering babies and building his own family in Cincinnati when he became...
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The Polish press reports another instance of in vitro fertilization (IVF) gone amuck: a little girl born to a woman who subsequently discovered she was not her genetic mother. The child was born, apparently in August 2014, to a 30-year-old woman in Szczecin province along the...
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ObamaCare’s Next Act: King v. Burwell

King v. Burwell? Never heard of it?  You may soon. On March 4 the Supreme Court will hear the case. The question before the justices is: What did Congress really mean when it wrote the ObamaCare law? You know, the erroneously-named “Affordable Care Act” (ACA), aka ObamaCare.  The...
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Elections Have Consequences

Connie Marshner In the wake of the recent disappointment with Congress’ failure to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act—which would ban abortion at 20 weeks, the age at which it’s been determined an unborn child can feel pain—it’s nice to remember there’s a big...
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Universal Neo-Malthusianism, Ideological Colonization and the Pope’s Rabbits

Papal exchanges on long distance flights have certain reporters salivating. Ever since the Holy Father’s famous remark, “Who am I to judge?” (taken out of context), uttered in the summer of 2013 on the way back to Rome from World Youth Day in Rio, reporters have waited anxiously...
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Red Flags and Consolation Prizes: January 22, 2015

The day ended OK. But it sure raised some red flags. Early in the morning on March Day (today, January 22), pro-lifers woke up to a kick in the solar plexus with the news that the Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act had been pulled from the House Calendar late the night before....
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History Will Be Made on Thursday

As Marchers for Life will be stomping their feet and blowing on their hands to keep warm next Thursday, inside the U. S. Capitol something unprecedented will be happening. To begin with, the 114th Congress will actually be in session (as I recall, more frequently than not they...
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Who Will Advocate for the Unborn Child of a Brain-dead Mother?

Fact #1: a pregnant woman with a brain-death diagnosis can gestate a healthy live baby.  Of course, not every such pregnancy has such an outcome. Fact #2: Because of Fact #1, some foreign countries and some states in the USA have laws to give unborn babies in these unfortunate...
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The Price of a Pro-Life Contract, or, What’s Sauce for the Goose Is Sauce for the Gander

Two million dollars is the cost of respecting life. Call me rogue if you will, but from my perspective it’s worth every penny. Let me explain. Just before Christmas, a US District Court ordered a $1.9 million judgment against the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend for enforcing a...
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Beware of Pity: Katha Pollitt and the New Politics of Choice

Pro, Katha Pollitt, Picador, 2014 No one, we are told, is pro-abortion. No one thinks these are easy decisions. Abortion is something that will happen no matter what; it is up to us to tame it. In the words of Bill Clinton, abortion must be “safe, legal, and rare.” Safe and...
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William E. May: An Appreciation

On Saturday, William E. May will be buried. [] The Catholic universe is grieving his passing, but those in the pro-life movement who are not Catholic have reason to grieve as well. He...
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“A Conversation on Roe v. Wade”—Encounter Books Panel Discussion

On November 18th, Encounter Books hosted “A Conversation on Roe v. Wade,” a panel discussion focusing on Clarke Forsythe’s highly acclaimed book, Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade. Readers of the Human Life Review are likely to recall that Forsythe was honored...
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Book Blog: Eric Metaxas on Miracles

  Eric Metaxas, who, along with his wife Susanne, was honored as a Human Life Foundation Great Defender of Life (2013), has a new book out, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your life. Metaxas is the author of the NY Times best-selling...
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Abortion Provider Comes to Queens, NY

Planned Parenthood has a global and national presence; being well-funded, it seeks to provide its “services” at more and more locations. Not content with over 700 “health centers” throughout the United States, the organization recently broke ground for the construction of a $9...
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Selling Abortion Door to Door

If, as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, maybe the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign should be pleased by Planned Parenthood’s new fundraising campaign. A story on the Bloomberg News website explains how the tactics developed in the fight...
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Where Fathers Fit In

On May 18th my first book saw the light. It’s called Where Do I Fit In? A New Yorker in Never-never City ( I’m translating from Spanish. The book, published in the media and language of the country where I’ve lived for the...
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For Faith

When my mother died, I, who had been fairly stoic during the months of her final illness and hospice care, started wailing, shrieking really, uncontrollably. I couldn’t help it, even though as the big sister I felt guilty for calling attention to myself when my three siblings...
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Unborn Child at Forty

Unborn Child is the title of an album boldly released in 1974 by the rock duo Seals and Crofts at the height of their popularity. Ever hear of it? Didn’t think so. Even if you were a pop music fan during the 1970’s you likely have no recollection of the album, or its title song,...
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Pro Life Movement Loses Doris Gordon, Libertarians for Life Founder

Doris Gordon, the Jewish atheist pro-life activist who founded Libertarians for Life, died July 7, after a long illness. She was 86. A lifelong resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, Gordon is best known as an advocate for the unborn, although she spent years in the pro-choice...
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The Senate on July 16 failed to end a filibuster in its effort to fast-track passage of Senator Patty Murray et al.’s bill to overturn the Supreme Court’s June 30 Hobby Lobby ruling. By a vote of 56-43 (four short of the number required to invoke cloture), the bill failed. Every...
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Coming To Peace with Brain Death

This will be personal. Ten years ago, my best friend had a stroke. He lay unconscious on his bathroom floor for about 20 hours before anyone (me!) realized he wasn’t answering his phone. I called the police before dashing to his house. Officers were there when I arrived; Richard...
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Robert M. Patrick interview with Nat Hentoff, for the Human Life Foundation March 31, 2014

RMP:  Good Morning Mr. Hentoff, thank you for taking the time to talk about Jim McFadden and the Human Life Review. NH: Thank you for calling me. Yes, of course, I love the McFaddens. They are some of the most important people in my life. RMP:  As we discussed last week, the...
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Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women?

Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women? Jennifer Lahl, Director and Executive Producer of the new documentary film Breeders: A  Subclass of Women? about the experience of women and surrogacy, is president and founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture in Pleasant...
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Obvious Child and Obvious Propaganda

  This month a new abortion comedy titled Obvious Child opens in theaters. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it, abortion comedy? Okay, how about a comedy with a story about abortion? That may be even more accurate, because for this film, written and directed by...
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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Issues Controversial Statement on the Family

It is customary for the Secretary-General of the United Nations to issue a statement every time there is a special day designated by the UN to honor or commemorate something or other. May 15th is chosen as the “International Day of Families.” Ban Ki-moon’s statement to mark this...
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Ernest: The impact of one life

This is the story of Ernest Trice, who entered my life in a way I can only ascribe to Divine Providence. I am a volunteer who visits elderly and disabled persons in nursing homes. Several years ago I asked a staff member at one of these homes if they had anyone who could use a...
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United Nations Debate on the ICPD Beyond 2014 and Human Progress and Sustainability

They came from every continent and many countries. There were more than 30 speakers with a very specific purpose: the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights, family planning, universal contraceptive use, and abortion. Shockingly, but perhaps not surprisingly,...
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[Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared on on March 25, 2014. reprinted here with permission.] What a joy to find the New York Times editorial page staff on duty whenever a tough moral question arises, such as, “Can the U. S. government require business...
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Witnessing to Life in 2014

Witnessing to Life in 2014 [This is the text of the Keynote Talk for the Sacred Heart Major Seminarians’ 5th Annual Charity “Dinner for Life” for Rachel’s Vineyard on February 7, 2014, in Detroit. Mark S. Latkovic, S.T.D., is Professor of Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Major...
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Wendy Davis v. Greg Abbott

      Superceleb Wendy Davis—headed down the path to becoming Wendy Who?—won, as expected, the Texas Democratic primary for governor. She plans to base her campaign against Republican Greg Abbott on education, the economy, and jobs. As if Abbott were likely to let her off the...
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  The February 5, 2014 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) features an opinion piece by two bioethicists and a medical doctor vigorously defending a “brain death” definition of death against individual dissenters—such as the McMath family in California—in the name...
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Swiss Abortion Update

  On Sunday, February 9, the Swiss electorate voted on three referenda, one of which was the following: Do you accept the popular initiative “Paying for an abortion is a private matter—reduce the burden on health insurance by ending basic coverage for abortion?” The popular...
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A Sign of the Times

     The late Fr. Stanley L. Jaki once remarked that “it takes unusually strong guts to challenge that secularist and unabashedly anti-Catholic stronghold which is the New York Times.” His choice of the word “guts” is significant. The word “courage” is derived from the French...
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Eli Judice: An Inspiration

  Pro-choice critics of the multi-state push for 20-week abortion bans say such bans place an undue and onerous burden on women, because many serious and “lethal” fetal abnormalities are not discovered until ultrasounds performed at about the 20-week mark. According to the Alan...
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The Magic School Bus Author’s Abortion Propaganda

  My seven-year-old son and I were hunting for books in the children’s section of the local library when I noticed a text with the title Asking About Sex & Growing Up, subtitled A Question and Answer Book for Kids (2009 Revised Edition). When I saw the author’s name,...
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So, the New York Times tells us, Harry Reid’s “nuclear option” to change Senate rules and ban filibusters of judicial nominations[1] was driven by—surprise!—the desire of Senate Democrats to put radical pro-abortionists on the federal bench. Our self-proclaimed national “paper of...
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        “Culture of life” is a term Blessed John Paul II highlighted in his 1995 encyclical, Evangelium vitae. The Pope wanted to address the civilizational struggle afoot between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death,” the latter understood as...
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Grand Bargaining No, Rethinking Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes Many weeks ago, I all but completed a reply to the critique that George McKenna published in the Human Life Review of “Beyond the Stalemate,” my June 21 Commonweal article, on the current state and future prospects of Catholic...
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Psychiatrists Censor Pro-Life Speech

  Many mental-health providers where I live, in Westchester County, New York, censor speech about abortion in day programs, outpatient or inpatient therapy, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, social clubs and half-way houses. I have a mental illness. I also believe strongly...
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Film Review: It’s a Girl

  It’s a Girl Directed and edited by Evan Grae Davis Produced by Andrew Brown 1:02, Shadowline Films, 2012.           “The three deadliest words in the world,” according to this documentary, are “it’s...
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A Bad Bargain: A Postscript

A Bad Bargain: A Postcript           At about the middle of September I wrote a piece on this site critical of an article in Commonweal magazine by Peter Steinfels, a writer and former editor of the magazine...
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Life Goes On . . . Thank God

  Pope Francis’s arrival on the international scene didn’t come about without a few glitches. For instance, when he warned in a recent interview that “small minded rules” could cause “the moral edifice of the Church . . . to fall like a house of cards,” his remarks were...
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2013 DINNER WELCOME to: a Sell-Out Crowd

(Maria McFadden Maffucci delivered this speech at the Human Life Foundation’s Great Defender of Life Dinner on Sept. 26, 2013,  at which Eric and Susanne Metaxas were honored.) Welcome to all our friends—I see many beloved faces here, and many new ones as well; I am so...
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All Abortion, All the Time

New Yorkers are used to listening to two AM all-news stations: WCBS and WINS. WINS’ venerable motto is “all news, all the time.”   Well, the motto of America’s abortion establishment is fast becoming “all abortion, all the time.”  That’s essentially what Jessica...
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A Bad Bargain

 A Bad Bargain In his 1858 debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln argued not for an immediate national abolition of slavery but for preventing its spread into the new territories. Lincoln understood that if slavery’s growth were arrested as the rest of the...
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The Wendy Davis Boomlet

  Back in 1968, Andy Warhol observed that everybody “will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” The latest recipient of 15 minutes of fame is Texas State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth), being lauded as gubernatorial timber (and perhaps even more) for her “epic” 1 eleven-hour...
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The Nature of Marriage Is in Nature

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Euthanasia for Minors: The Drumbeat Continues

A Belgian website features a picture of a hospital bed with some stuffed toys on it. The picture is captioned: “the latest news on the euthanasia front (from a so-called ‘civilized’ country).”1 The image vividly captures the current drumbeat for the euthanasia of minors.2...
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Royal Baby Love

  Oh, baby! Just can’t get enough of you! After all, how many cuddly, brand-new royal kids are out there? Just one: Prince George. And does the world love him or not? Consider:  People magazine expects to sell 1.4 million copies of its “Royal Baby Joy!” collector’s issue. ...
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Why are Special-Needs Parents Fair Game?

Imagine this scenario: an acquaintance comes up to you at a function, and you exchange the usual pleasantries—how ‘s the job, the kids, etc. And then he or she says: So, how old is “your spouse,”—“50” or so?  How’s his health? Think he’ll get cancer or have high blood...
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Late Term Abortions, Politics, and Democrats

  The June 18 vote in the House of Representatives on the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” was telling—and what it told us about abortion absolutism was highly disturbing. The 228-196 vote was almost completely along party lines: If there are “Democrats for Life,”...
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          Done.  And of course there wasn’t more than the inevitable shadow of doubt – the one that hangs over all human enterprises – that the Texas Legislature was going to pass that abortion bill, as duly happened last Saturday....
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Texas Abortion Bill Moves Forward

                 The Texas Senate votes Friday or Saturday on an anti-abortion bill the House approved Wednesday, 96-49. Declares Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst: “We’re not in the filibuster range right now, and we’re going to pass th...
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Gov. Perry Puts Out the “Firebrand”

        Sorry, Wendy, it’s going to pass, and this time you probably can’t do a thing about it, pink sneakers or no pink sneakers.        Nothing probably is ever final in politics, and febrile assumptions can turn to dust; but...
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                                                                People going into nursing homes fear both loss of independence and having little to do. Some, who are literate, maintain a degree of control by devouring books. On my visits to homes as a volunteer I’ve encountered...
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            On June 13, Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack asked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the morality of late-term abortions.  His question was probably driven by the recent convictions of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell for first degree murder of...
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Welcome to the blog! Scroll down for older entries. NEW:  Wendy Davis v. Greg Abbott by William Murchison (March 7, 2014) Defining Death, Not Defining Life by John Grondelski (February 26, 2014) Double Header Blog: Sign of the Times by Donald DeMarco & Swiss Abortion...
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Is Your Twelve Year Old Ready to Commit Suicide?

I have a daughter who’s eight years younger than a friend’s. My friend, therefore, has become a kind of authority on what to expect a little bit down the road. When my Alexandra became a teenager, he warned: “Right now your daughter knows you are the biggest nerd in the world....
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               You wouldn’t think there’d be any doubt that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a votary of abortion.  You would have thought wrong.
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Nat Hentoff tells it like it is

Nat Hentoff : Why Obama is Silent on Murdered Babies
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Obama vs. Reagan on abortion

President Obama could really learn a thing or two about Planned Parenthood from the Human Life Review . . .    
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National Prayer Service

The Human Life Review is proud to be a co-sponsor of the National Prayer Service: the largest national, interdenominational prayer service in observance of 40 years since Roe vs. Wade. On Friday, January 25, 2013 from 8:30-10:30 a.m., this service will take place in Constitution...
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Keeping the Lights On

            Re the Nov. 6 mess: First thing to say is, can we avoid the sin of over-extrapolation? The journalistic, not to say human, tendency is to ride every political tide out to sea and back. Gee, if we’re here now, won’t we...
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Stand Up for Religious Liberty Rally June 8th 2012

I am the president of the Human Life Foundation, a non-profit, non-sectarian organization in Manhattan, dedicated to the defense of human life, founded in 1974 in response to the Roe. v. Wade decision. Our quarterly journal, the Human Life Review, seeks to change hearts and...
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Spain: The Abortion Agenda

This article was originally published in our Spring 2010 issue. The author suggested that we post this article on our website, saying: “The new Government has announced a reform of the abortion law, but it is still unclear how it would be implemented. That is the reason why...
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National Catholic Register editorial on March for Life 2012
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Maria McFadden Maffucci speaks to about Reagan’s Historic “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation”
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